samedi 21 novembre 2009

Playlist du 30 Septembre 2009 (10h pm à 00h00 am)

Playlist du 30 Septembre 2009

''Entrevue avec Beneath The Massacre''
-Beneath The Massacre/Socety's disposable son
-As They Turn From Praise/The hard way out
-Riotor/Nuclear solution
-Dark Century/Viande froide
-Disseized/Zèle prémédité
-Insomnium/The harrowing years
-Everytime I Die/Wanderlust
-Revocation/Anthem of the betrayed
-Coalesce/The villain we won't deny
-Arch Enemy/Bury me an angel
-Man Must Die/Kill it skin it wear it
-Blood Red Throne/Harme
-Muspellheim/War architect
-August Burns Red/Meridian
-Dragonforce/The fire still burns
-Gwar/Lords and masters
-Buckcherry/Rescue me

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